7. Toki ni Ai wa  (vocal)download

Length: 4 pages
Technical: 3
Presentation: 6

Comment:  "Toki ni Ai wa" is the most famous song in the movie.  The song is absolutely beautiful in the soundtrack but don't expect too much from the piano script.  The prologue, epilogue and interlude are great, just like they were in the soundtrack, since those parts are done by piano in the original soundtrack.  The vocal part seems to be too plain when it is in plain piano.  The original key in the soundtrack is in C#m which is not the same as in the piano script.

[Technical: difficulty in piano skill, 10 = difficult, 1 = easy]
[Presentation: how well the piano version presents the song, 10 = excellent, 1 = poor]

    やさしいピアノンロ/ 劇場版少女革命ウテナアドゥレセンス黙示録 [Yasashii Pianonro / Gekijouban Shoujo Kakumei Utena Adouresensu Mokushiroku] published by Shoin Music Pub. Co., Ltd.  ISBN4-8114-4399-3
    少女革命ウテナ - La fillette revolutionnaire Utena (C) ビーパパス・さいとうちほ/小学館・少革委員会・テレビ東京 [Be-PaPas, Chiho Saito / Shougakukan, Shoukaku Iinkai, TV Tokyo]
    (C) 1999 少女革命ウテナ製作委員会 [Shoujo Kakumei Utena Seisaku Iinkai]
    English version "Revolutionary Girl Utena" (C) Enoki Films USA, Central Park Media Corporation, etc...etc...