Illusion - Akui no Sanagi (Instrumental)
Length: 6 pages
Technical: 4
Presentation: 9
Comment: The song has two parts,
the first part is a slow and smooth melody. In the original song,
it is performed by piano, which is exactly the same as this piano script.
The second part is more up-beat and has a changing melody. Although this
part in the original song is done in a combination of different instrument,
this plain piano version still sounds very nice. Fairly easy to play
and catch the melody. A relatively longer song that gives you enough
enjoyment. |
difficulty in piano skill, 10 = difficult, 1 = easy]
[Presentation: how
well the piano version presents the song, 10 = excellent, 1 = poor]
やさしいピアノンロ/ 劇場版少女革命ウテナアドゥレセンス黙示録
[Yasashii Pianonro / Gekijouban Shoujo Kakumei Utena Adouresensu Mokushiroku]
published by Shoin Music Pub. Co., Ltd.
少女革命ウテナ - La fillette revolutionnaire Utena (C)
ビーパパス・さいとうちほ/小学館・少革委員会・テレビ東京 [Be-PaPas, Chiho
Saito / Shougakukan, Shoukaku Iinkai, TV Tokyo]
(C) 1999 少女革命ウテナ製作委員会 [Shoujo Kakumei Utena
Seisaku Iinkai]
English version "Revolutionary Girl Utena" (C) Enoki
Films USA, Central Park Media Corporation, etc...etc...