What is "Type-a-chu"?
Well since you know "Chuu" or "Chu" is the sound of a mouse and sometimes it's used for mouse name, this section here shows you different way to type a mouse or mouse face. Mice are so adorable, I'm sure you want to know how you can add a mousey personality on things you write on internet ^^. Mouse happy faces: |
ChuChu faces (copyright goes to xqmrp and Rushita for their own use only)Well, I'm sure there are a lot more mousey faces you can make if you spend time trying on your keyboard. ^^
Happy ChuChu: @(>^.^<)@
Happy ChuChu with red cheeks: @(o^.^o)@
Surprised ChuChu: @(O_O)@
ChuChu winking: @(>^.~<)@
Sick ChuChu: @(/x.x\)@