"Say Cheese....."
Sailor Iron Mouse: "Hi, this is Sailor
Iron Mouse, ChuChu's house mate *chuu! ^^*.
In here, the secret life of ChuChu will be exposed *muhahaha...*.
Just follow me, I'll show you the pictures of ChuChu I secretly took during
his daily routine." <:3)~~ |
ChuChu's Real Life Snapshots
Konnichiwa, watashi
wa ChuChu desu! ^^ |
ChuChu's back |
Tea time |
Mine! Mine! |
Aah...shiawase..... |
*Plays with flowers*
*chu! chu! ^^* |
Defending Anthy-sama |
Back off! I mean
you, Saionji! |
*bows* |
ChuChu and his
big backpack |
Wonder what is inside
the backpack... |
Food = Good |
*Chu-chu-chuuuuu!* |
The whole can goes
down the pot *opps!* |
100x super hot curry |
er...warning?!? |
ChuChu goes shopping |
In search of another can
of the 100x super hot curry |
Drag the purse
down the street |
Inside ChuChu's purse |
Here it is! |
100x super hot curry
finally on hand |
Now, to turn Anthy-sama &
Utena-sama back to normal... |
Inside the can |
No more tie or earring |
Is finally free |
Even the back is so cute! |
ChuChu at Anime North
The featuring ChuChu plushie doll,
all the accessories, props, background items, and background location,
are all owned by Rushita.
All the above photographs are a copyright of Rushita [The Mouse Corner/
Duplicating, distributing, using the above photographs are not allowed
without Rushita's permission. Using them on your website, by storing
them on your web host, or by direct-linking them from this server is NOT
allowed. Editing the above photographs to use for any purposes are
not allowed without Rushita's permission. If you really love them
so much, all you need is ask!
The ChuChu plushie doll, ChuChu's
tie, ChuChu's backpack, ChuChu's purse, and the 100x Super Hot Curry, belongs
to the "Secret ChuChu Plushie" project by "Ru Production". They are
all handmade by Rushita.
ChuChu is a character of Shoujo
Kakumei Utena / La fillette révolutionnaire Utena © Be-PaPas,
Chiho Saito / Shougakukan, Shoukaku Iinkai, TV Tokyo. © 1999 Shoujo
Kakumei Utena Seisaku Iinkai
English version "Revolutionary Girl
Utena" © Enoki Films USA, Central Park Media Corporation, etc...etc...